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eScientific Illustration helps you to make easy to understand your scientific results and to arrive to as much people as possible.

Schematic diagrams about cellular processes

Picture that shows T cell maturation process that takes place in the thymus

Published in the PhD Thesis project: "Phylogenomic analysis and genomic structure of human RCAN genes : Effect on RCAN overexpression on lymphocyte development and function". Eva Serrano Candelas. 2012

Thymocytes development
Thymocytes development

Representation of molecular structures

Schematic representation of KIT, IgE high affinity receptor (FcεRI) and G protein-coupled receptors

Partially published in the PhD Thesis project: "La proteïna adaptadora 3BP2 com a regulador de l'activitat cel.lular a través dels receptors de membrana FcεRI i KIT". Erola Ainsua Enrich. 2014

Representation of KIT, FceRI and G protein-coupled receptors
Representation of KIT, FceRI and G protein-coupled receptors

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